Bullfights Return To Mexico City

Bullfights Return To Mexico City

Sebastian Castella, a French bullfighter, is preparing for a bullfight inside the Plaza Mexico in Mexico City, as members of various animal rights, welfare, and anti-speciesist groups are demonstrating outside to protest the return of bullfighting and to demand its abolition in Mexico. (Photo by Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto)

ID: 10965785
Date: 4 February 2024
Location: N/A
Copyright: Gerardo Vieyra/NurPhoto
Category: Human Interest
Special Instructions: Restricted to Editorial Use Only. Commercial use is not permitted without prior authorization. Please contact us for more information. -
Bullfights return to Mexico City Bullfights Return Mexico City Mexico Toros Corridas de Toros Plaza México HUM Human interest Social issue Animals Animal cruelty Crueldad animal Tortura Ni arte ni cultura solo tortura Crime Love Bullfighting Torero Traje de luces Sebastian Castella Isaac Fonseca. Sebastian Castella French bullfighter bullfight Plaza Mexico Mexico City animal rights welfare groups anti-speciesist demonstration protest abolition bullfighting in Mexico Gerardo Vieyra NurPhoto activism cruelty-free ethics cultural tradition spectacle corrida tauromachy matador animal cruelty public debate legislation animal protection cultural heritage animal ethics speciesism animal welfare blood sport animal liberation Mexican culture ethical controversy animal law public opinion
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